3PIP Phone Interop with Microsoft Teams – Personal Feature Testing
Recently, a few questions came to me regarding 3PIP Phones interop with Microsoft Teams. Per Microsoft’s Blog Post, the following features are available/working on 3PIP phones, but not everything is fully specified:
Supported capabilities
- Authentication: All Skype for Business sign-in capabilities are only supported with username auth and web sign in. Pin Auth is not supported.
- Calling: Skype for Business users will be able to make and receive calls on their phones with no change to their current experience.
- Presence and picture information: Presence information will work.
- Corporate and local directories: Users will still have access to their corporate and local directories.
- Joining Skype for Business scheduled meetings (Online or Server): All existing Skype for Business meeting capabilities will continue to work.
Additionally, the following IP phone features are expected to be supported when an IP Phone user is enabled for Teams:
- Incoming/outgoing P2P calls (when calling a Teams-enabled Skype for Business phone user)
- In-call controls via UI (mute, hold/resume, transfer, end call)
- Phone notifications about upcoming meetings
- Calendar access and meeting details
- One-click join for prescheduled meetings
- Mute/unmute for conferences
- List of meeting participants
- Hold/resume for conferences
- Hang up from conference calls
- Ability for IP phones to add another Skype for Business user to an ongoing meeting by using the Add Participant feature
Due to some questions regarding call queue functionality (As that is not defined by Microsoft as “Supported”), I decided to do some testing of my own, As of today, I can confirm the following on interop mode:
- Local Media Optimization and Media Bypass is not supported and will not work
- Calls from CQs in non-conference mode work, however it does not work when in the newer conference mode
- Transfers to another Cloud AA Works via DID & SIP
- Transfers to another Cloud CQ Works via DID & SIP
- Meet Now Button is not working
- VVX Phone Forwarding/Simul Ring Options don’t work unless set in Teams desktop client
- DND/Presence Change is Not Working – Changes Presence, but goes back in a second
- No MWI notifications – Must Call into Voicemail Service – Cloud VM limitation
- Calendar Works
- One-Click Meeting Join Works
- You can Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting from VVX with limited functionality as described above
- Putting a Call on hold works for more than 30 seconds and you can re-answer the call
- There is no personal Speed Dial or Contacts List
- Note that some phone models have their own internal contacts list. This is able to be used, but must be manually set.
- If a user is migrated to Teams from Skype for Business, they will retain their contacts list, but it will not receive anymore updates after the time of their move. (Thanks @JensHMadsen)

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